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Bean 'North Easter'

Phaseolus vulgaris


  • stringless, climbing bean; needs support
  • flat green pods to 20 cm
  • white beans, sweet flavour, crunchy texture
  • early variety
  • high yields
LifecycleAnnual, Climber
Quantity10 seeds
Best byFeb-25
Bean 'North Easter' is also known as 'Quintus' or 'Early Riser'. Stringless, climbing bean, needs support, with flat green pods up to 20 cm long, white beans. Sweet flavour, crunchy texture. Early variety. Very high yields. Self pollinating, but grow at least 3m apart from other varieties.
Sow inJanuary, September, October, November, December
Sowing MethodDirect Sow
Depth to Sow15mm
Germination7-10 days
Distance Apart15-20cm
Harvest56 days


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