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  • cucumber richmond green apple 2
  • cucumber richmond green apple
  • cucumber richmond green apple 2
  • cucumber richmond green apple

Cucumber 'Richmond Green Apple'

Cucumis sativus


  • popular variety developed in Richmond River region of NSW
  • heavy producing climber, will need trellis
  • non-bitter, cream to green skin on ovular fruit to 12cm long
  • crisp, white flesh with sweet flavour
  • also known as 'lemon cucumber' for size and shape
LifecycleAnnual, Climber
Quantity8 seeds
Best byJun-28
Cucumber 'Richmond Green Apple' (aka 'Richmond River Green Apple') is an Australian climbing heirloom from Northern Rivers region of NSW. Cream to green skin. Oval-shaped fruit, 12cm long. Very crisp flesh. Heavy producer. Sometimes referred to as 'lemon cucumber' because of its size and shape.
Sow inJanuary, September, October, November, December
Sowing MethodDirect Sow
Depth to Sow10mm
Germination4-10 days
Distance Apart60cm
Harvest70 days


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